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Asthma Social Media Messages

unsure how to use your asthma inhaler or spacer? These messages are created monthly by the MDHHS Asthma Program to help you share accurate and timely information through your networks. Contact us at MDHHS-Asthma@michigan.gov for additional information about asthma social media messaging. Sign up to receive weekly-ish news emails.


Celebrate Asthma Awareness Month by finding out if your #asthma is under control! http://bit.ly/1QJEDd2 celebrate asthma awareness month

Unsure how to use your #asthma inhaler or spacer? Ask the doctor or pharmacist for help- it could save your life! http://bit.ly/1JEDHVN


Celebrate Asthma Awareness Month by finding out if your asthma is under control! If it’s not under control, see your doctor http://bit.ly/1QJEDd2


what causes asthma? What causes asthma? Having a parent with asthma, having a severe respiratory infection as a child, having an allergic condition, or being exposed to certain chemical irritants or industrial dusts in the workplace. Other factors can also play a role, learn more @ https://www.lung.org/lung-health-diseases/lung-disease-lookup/asthma/learn-about-asthma/what-causes-asthma